All my life I wanted to be a sailor and that is what I am. I work in the tourism sector and feel privileged to have visited all this amazing places.
My name is Jan and I was born March 9, 1974. Since childhood I sail around the skerries off Kristiansand / Southern Norway. The required skills I received from my grandfather and father. End of 2002 I quit my job in Switzerland and dedicate my working life to seafaring.
I am married and have two kids (2009 & 2012).
As long-term entrepreneur and sailor I am a skilled navigator with farsightedness and distinct leader qualities. My experiences of commanding are ranging from open keelboats on inshore lakes via sail and power driven superyachts cruising coastal areas to ocean crossings on board tallships.
Now it’s time for me to move forward. End of 2021 I stumbled over this “seaweed farming” subject. I was instantly intrigued by the possibility to work with the sea without being a part of the problem but becoming one of the solution.
- Master unlimited area 200gt STCW II/2
- Medical First Aid STCW A-VI/4-1
- Medical Care STCW A-VI/4-2
- Human Element, Leadership and Management operational level STCW A-II/1, A-III/1 and A-III/6
- Crowd and Crisis Management STCW A-V/2
- Certificate for fitness for sea service STCW A-I/9
- Basic Safety Training STCW A-VI/1-1, A-VI/1-2, A-VI/1-3 and A-VI/1-4
- D6 from Norsk Sjøfartsdirektoratet
- D5L from Norsk Sjøfartsdirektoratet
- RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean STCW A-VI/1 Para2.1 endorsed
- RYA Sea Survival Instructor
- RYA SRC Assessor
- RYA First Aid Instructor
- A&D licences for Swiss inshore lakes
- PADI AOW Diver
- Certificate of Advanced Studies for contemporary management of small and medium-sized businesses
- Certificate to run gastronomic businesses, incl. HR-Management, accountancy, processing foods and hygiene